Daily Archives: March 16, 2016

Grrrls on Stage and Tables

Grrrls on Film this weekend will culminate not just with Grrrls on Stage — bands, spoken word, DJs, host Allison Wolfe — but also Grrrls at Tables. Numerous individuals and organizations will be offering their services and wares in a fair on the Alumni Mall of Loyola Marymount University. The musical guests are Kim and the Created, Colleen Green and Peach Kelli Pop. Original Runaways lyricist Kari Krome will share some choice words, as will LMU faculty Sarah Maclay and Alicia Partnoy and student Kaelyn Sabal-Wilson. And KXLU DJs Mukta Mohan, McAllister, and Taylor 2000 will spin discs.

You will be able to buy clothes, including Grrrls on Film T-shirts (proceeds go to scholarships for LMU students), make fanzines at the table sponsored by the William H. Hannon Library, learn bike repair with the Ovarian Psychos, and even make a video at a booth sponsored by the Music Video Program of Rock n’ Roll Camp for Girls Los Angeles. We’ll have three rock camps on the mall: Chicas Rockeras and RC OC too. And two all-female roller derby teams: Los Angeles Derby Dolls and Angel City Derby Girls.

Additional participants: Marians, Mcpheeters, Feminist Library on Wheels, Geek Girl Society, An Unexpected Hobby, Honey Power DJ Collective, KXLU, the LMU Committee on the Status of Women,  LMU SFTV grad programs, Fanboy Comics, Old Friends Vintage, and Razorcake magazine. Check the website for details and to register (it’s free but we need a head count).

Also, Richeeze food truck.

Here’s a video by Pajama Jeer made by Rock Camp’s MVP in 2015:

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Talking Missy and Michelle on NPR

Michelle Obama, Missy Elliott, Janelle Monae, Kelly Rowland, Kelly Clarkson, Diane Warren: How could I not cheer “This Is for My Girls,” the track released by the First Lady today as part of the #62MillionGirls campaign? Neda Ulaby of NPR interviewed me about the track for All Things Considered today.




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