About Populism

In the Midwest, where I spent (wasted?) my youth, we called sugary carbonated beverages “pop.” I’ve always resisted acclimating to “soda,” despite having long ago relocated to the East Coast, and then the West. I’ve clung to my populist roots — those teenage summers spent pulling pops at the drive-in movie theater, and detasselling corn. As a longtime music critic, I’ve come to look at the world through the lens of pop culture. Does that book have a good beat? Does that desert landscape bring the noise?

All of which is to say I’ve resurrected the column I once wrote for The Miami Herald. Populism returns as a WordPressblog. I’ve been breaking news here — Laurie Hoyt McAllister’s death, Iggy Pop’s broken foot. I’m teasing readers with snippets of my in-progress book on the Runaways, Queens of Noise. In the “Going Mobile” category, I write about traveling. As a new-media scholar, I write about digital technology, particularly its effects on journalists and other working creatives, in “Create or Die.” And I write about life in San Pedro, from my vista of Cabrillo Beach and the Pacific Ocean. You can also find my previous posts from http://www.evelynmcdonnell.com/blog/, which I’ve migrated to this new, improved space.

So please, check it out. Let me know what you think, by email or comments. RSS me. Add me to your blogroll. Spread the media.  Bring the noise.

Exploring the world through the eyes of a pop culture fan/critic and proud San Pedran. Participating in participatory culture.

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